Wooden Camera - UFF-1 Universal Follow Focus (Crank Only)
Wooden Camera - UFF-1 Universal Follow Focus (Crank Only)Wooden Camera - UFF-1 Universal Follow Focus (Crank Only)

Wooden Camera - UFF-1 Universal Follow Focus (Crank Only)

85.00 CHF
91.90 CHFincluso.8.1% IVA
Articolo n.
Articolo n.
Standart Hersteller Garantie
non disponibile (Lieferbar in 2-3 Wochen)

FF-1 Universal Follow Focus (Crank Only) fits into the hand wheels' standard accessory ports and features the same accessory port on the backside which allows the whip to be plugged in when needed.

UFF-1 Universal Follow Focus Demo:

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