Canon EOS R8 Body
Canon EOS R8 BodyCanon EOS R8 BodyCanon EOS R8 BodyCanon EOS R8 BodyCanon EOS R8 Body

Canon EOS R8 Body

1'479.20 CHF
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Canon Kamera EOS R8 GEHÄUSE CH Premium Kit

Geh deine nächsten kreativen Schritte mit der EOSR8–einer Vollformat-Hybridkamera, die hervorragende 24,2-Megapixel-Fotos und detailreiche Oversampling4K-Videos mit 60p liefert. Der Dual Pixel CMOS AFII erkennt und verfolgt Motive–unabhängig davon, was und wie du aufnimmst.

Die Canon EOS R8 ermöglicht Ihren kreativen Kunden das Upgrade zum Vollformat. Diese preisgünstige spiegellose Hybridkamera bietet neue Aufnahmemöglichkeiten für alle, die von DSLR- oder APS-C-Kameras aufsteigen. Und mit nur ca. 461 g ist sie unsere leichteste spiegellose Vollformatkamera aller Zeiten.
Die EOS R8 bietet einen Vollformatsensor mit 24,2 Megapixeln, der eine perfekte Balance aus Bildqualität, Geschwindigkeit und Leistung bietet. Alle Neueinsteiger in die Welt des Vollformats können einiges erwarten:
  • Starke Porträts mit schönem Bokeh, dank geringerer Schärfentiefe
  • Weiterer Blickwinkel bei jeder Brennweite – ideal für Landschaftsaufnahmen und Reportagen
  • Verbesserte Bildqualität mit grösserem Dynamikumfang und weniger digitalem Rauschen, insbesondere bei wenig Licht
Die Kamera bietet eine ISO-Empfindlichkeit bis ISO 102.4001 (erweiterbar auf ISO 204.800) für Fotoaufnahmen, bzw. bis ISO ISO 25.6002 bei Videoaufnahmen. Ausserdem ist sie in der Lage, Reihenaufnahmen in RAW oder JPEG bis 40 B/s aufzunehmen (mit gleichzeitigem AF und AE) – dank dem fortschrittlichen elektronischen Verschluss.
Unser renommiertes Autofokus-System Dual Pixel CMOS AF II erkennt eine Vielzahl von Motiven und führt den Fokus auf sie nach, während sie sich im Bildausschnitt bewegen.
Als echte Hybridkamera beeindruckt die EOS R8 auch in puncto Videoleistung:
  • Sie nimmt 4K-Video bis 60p (aus Oversampling der 6K-Sensordaten) und Full HD bis 180p auf
  • Canon Log 3 bietet einen grösseren Dynamikumfang und Möglichkeiten zur Farbkorrektur
  • Innovative Funktionen wie Fokus-Breathing-Korrektur und Falschfarbenanzeige
Die Kamera macht das kreative Filmen auch für diejenigen einfach, die sich bisher auf Fotos konzentriert haben, und bietet ihnen damit ganz neue Möglichkeiten, kreativ zu werden.

Die Vorteile

  • Der 24,2-Megapixel-Vollformat-CMOS-Sensor bietet ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis zwischen Detailreichtum, Geschwindigkeit und Eigenschaften bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen. Der größere Sensor erfasst auch mehr Details in den helleren und dunkleren Bildbereichen, was die Kamera zur idealen Wahl für Landschaftsaufnahmen macht. Auch ausdrucksstarke Porträts mit attraktivem Hintergrundbokeh sind möglich. Mehrere HDR-Modi sorgen für einen größeren Dynamikumfang - selbst bei sich bewegenden Motiven.
  • Selbst bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen liefert die EOS R8 hervorragende Fotos und Videos. Der große Vollformatsensor reduziert das Bildrauschen und ermöglicht Aufnahmen mit bis zu ISO 102.400 (erweiterbar auf ISO 204.800)². Der Dual Pixel CMOS AF II hat eine Empfindlichkeit von bis zu -6,5 LW⁵ - das entspricht etwa dem Licht einer Halbmondkugel.
  • Unser klassenbester Dual Pixel CMOS AF II erkennt Motive selbst am Bildrand⁷ und verfolgt sie auch dann noch, wenn sie kurz aus dem Fokus geraten. Ob Porträt oder Interview - die EOS R8 erfasst Augen, Gesicht, Kopf oder Körper des Motivs und hält sie scharf.
  • Bei sich schnell bewegenden Motiven ermöglicht der elektronische Verschluss der EOS R8 Reihenaufnahmen mit bis zu 40 B/s¹. Im Raw-Burst-Modus mit 30 B/s⁹ werden sogar bis zu 0,5 Sekunden vor dem Auslösen Bilder aufgenommen.
  • Erweitere deine Kreativität in der Videowelt mit professioneller Leistung und Videofunktionen. Filmaufnahmen mit bis zu 4K/60p Auflösung, Focus-Breathing-Korrektur und dem beliebten Canon Log 3 Farbprofil für professionelles Farbgrading. Full HD-Videos können mit einer Bildrate von bis zu 180 Bildern pro Sekunde für beeindruckende Zeitlupeneffekte aufgezeichnet werden. Die Funktionen dieser Hybridkamera sind so einfach zu bedienen, dass dein kreativer Fluss nicht unterbrochen wird.
  • Mit nur ca. 461 g⁶ ist die EOS R8 unsere bisher leichteste spiegellose Vollformatkamera, die du öfter und an mehr Orte mitnehmen kannst. Dein ständiger kreativer Begleiter ist auch ideal für Eventaufnahmen vor Ort. Ein spezieller Schalter ermöglicht das direkte Umschalten zwischen Foto- und Videomodus, wobei die Einstellungen im jeweiligen Modus erhalten bleiben. Das dreh- und schwenkbare LC-Display ist ideal für Aufnahmen aus nahezu jedem Blickwinkel.
  • Verbinde die Kamera mit Mobilgeräten, WLAN-Netzwerken oder einem Laptop, um Fotos und Videos mit Followern und Freunden zu teilen - dank integriertem WLAN mit Bluetooth 4.2, das immer aktiv ist. Du kannst die Kamera sogar von deinem Handy aus fernsteuern, RAW-Dateien in der Cloud bearbeiten⁸ oder die EOS R8 als hochwertige Webcam verwenden.


  • EOS R8 Kameragehäuse
  • Kamera-Gehäusedeckel R-F-5
  • Tragegurt ER-EOS R8
  • Akkuladegerät LC-E17E
  • Akku LP-E17
  • Abdeckung für Akkufach
  • Zubehörschuh-Abdeckung
  • Netzkabel
  • Anleitungen

Technische Daten

  • 24,2-Megapixel-Vollformat-CMOS-Sensor – Die ideale Kombination aus Detailreichtum und Leistung

  • Max. ISO 102.400 für Fotos und ISO 25.600 für Videos² – Erweiterbar auf ISO 204.800 bzw. ISO 102.400

  • Erweitertes HDR – HDR-Modus für statische und sich bewegende³ Motive

  • 4K 60p Video – Hervorragende Klarheit von Details und Bewegungen¹⁰

  • Full HD 180p – Für beeindruckende Zeitlupeneffekte⁴

  • EVF mit 2,36 Mio. Bildpunkten – Zeigt die Welt klar und deutlich an

  • Dual Pixel CMOS AF II – erkennt und verfolgt Motive, damit sie immer präzise fokussiert sind⁷

  • 6/40 B/s Reihenaufnahmen – Mit mechanischem/elektronischem Verschluss¹¹

  • 2,4 GHz WLAN mit Bluetooth – Schnelle kabellose Übertragung, Fernsteuerung/Auslösung der Kamera und GPS

  • Webcam-Unterstützung – Für hochwertige Online-Konferenzen¹²





Picture quality
Camera type
There are a number of common types of digital cameras: compact cameras, bridge cameras, mirrorless interchangeable-lens cameras (MILC) and single lens reflex (SLR) cameras. Bridge cameras 'bridge the gap' between the low-end compact and high-end professional (SLR) cameras. Also MILCs populate this mid-segment by combining the larger sensors and interchangeable lenses of DSLRs with the live-preview viewing system of compact cameras.
Megapixel (approx.)
The number (in millions) of light-sensitive picture elements known as pixels actually used by the camera's image sensor (CCD) to record light, and which are reflected to the final number of recorded pixels stored on the memory card.
24.2 MP
Sensor type
A sensor is a convertor than measures a physical quality (light, temperature etc.) and displays this electronically on a device.
Sensor cleaning system
Ultrasonic vibration
Maximum image resolution
Resolution is the amount of detail held by an image. The higher the resolution, the better (sharper) the image. The maximum image resolution produces the best image.
6000 x 4000 pixels
Still image resolution(s)
List of image resolutions that supported by device.
6000 x 4000, 3984 x 2656, 2976 x 1984, 2400 x 1600, 5328 x 4000, 3552 x 2664, 2656 x 1992, 2112 x 1600, 4000 x 4000, 2656 x 2656, 1984 x 1984, 1600 x 1600
Image stabilizer
This camera function compensates for slight shaking movements caused by an unstable position and ensures smooth footage even in suboptimal conditions.
Supported aspect ratios
The aspect ratio is the ratio of the width of an image to its height. The supported aspect ratios are the aspect ratios that can be shown by the device.
1:1, 3:2, 4:3, 16:9
Image sensor size (W x H)
35.9 x 23.9 mm
Sensor format
Image formats supported
The type of image files that the device can use/display e.g. gif, JPEG (jpg).
Lens system
Focal length range
Measure of how strongly the system converges or diverges light. For an optical system in air, it is the distance over which initially collimated rays are brought to a focus. A system with a shorter focal length has greater optical power than one with a long focal length; that is, it bends the rays more strongly, bringing them to a focus in a shorter distance.For an optical system in air, the effective focal length (f and f′) gives the distance from the front and rear principal planes (H and H′) to the corresponding focal points (F and F′).
24 - 50 mm
Minimum focal length (35mm film equiv)
The minimum 35mm equivalent focal length, which is a measure that indicates the angle of view of a particular combination of a camera lens and film or sensor size. The term is useful because most photographers experienced with interchangeable lenses are most familiar with the 35mm film format.
24 mm
Maximum focal length (35mm film equiv)
The maximum 35mm equivalent focal length, which is a measure that indicates the angle of view of a particular combination of a camera lens and film or sensor size. The term is useful because most photographers experienced with interchangeable lenses are most familiar with the 35mm film format.
50 mm
Minimum aperture number
The minimum size of the hole through which light enters a camera.
Maximum aperture number
Lens structure (elements/groups)
The way in which a camera lens is constructed.
Lens type
Category of lens e.g. tele, close-up, macro.
Standard zoom
Filter size
A filter is a screen, plate, or layer of a substance which absorbs light or other radiation or selectively absorbs some of its components e.g. a UV filter to reduce UV light. Filters come in various sizes.
5.8 cm
Number of diaphragm blades
Lens mount interface
A lens mount is an interface — mechanical and often also electrical — between a photographic camera body and a lens. It is confined to cameras where the body allows interchangeable lenses, most usually the rangefinder camera, single lens reflex type or any movie camera of 16 mm or higher gauge.
Canon RF
Focus adjustment
Auto focusing (AF) modes
Modes on the camera for auto-focusing, including continuous focusing and one shop focusing.
Continuous Auto Focus, One Shot Focus, Servo Auto Focus
Auto Focus (AF) object detection
Animal, Bird, Eye, Face, People, Vehicle
Face tracking
Auto Focus (AF) lock
Auto Focus (AF) assist beam
ISO sensitivity (min)
ISO sensitivity (max)
ISO sensitivity
A measure of a photographic film's sensitivity to light.
100, 6400, 25600, 102400
Light exposure modes
The different lengths of time for the exposure for a camera e.g. longer exposure for low light.
Aperture priority AE, Auto, Manual, Shutter priority AE
Light exposure control
Program AE
Light exposure correction
± 3EV (1/2EV; 1/3EV step)
Auto Exposure (AE) lock
Number of measurement zones
Fastest camera shutter speed
The minimum time which the camera shutter is open when taking a photo.
1/16000 s
Slowest camera shutter speed
The maximum time which the camera shutter is open when taking a photo.
30 s
Camera shutter type
Indicates if the camera shutter is mechanical or electronic.
Flash exposure lock
External flash connector
Flash exposure compensation
Flash exposure correction
±3EV (1/3 EV step)
Shoe mounting point
Shoe mounting point type
Hot shoe
Video recording
Recording moving visual images.
Maximum video resolution
This is the maximum resolution of video images. Resolution is a measure of the degree of detail visible.
3840 x 2160 pixels
HD type
Type of supported High Definition (e.g. Full HD, 4K Ultra HD).
4K Ultra HD
Video resolutions
The amount of detail that can be seen in the video image.
1920 x 1080,3840 x 2160 pixels
Video formats supported
The type of video formats that can be used by this device.
H.264, H.265
Colour sampling
YCbCr4:2:0 8-bit, YCbCr4:2:2 10-bit
Built-in microphone
Microphone that is found inside the product.
Built-in speaker(s)
The device contains speaker(s) to produce sound.
Audio system
System used to play music or speech.
Wind filter
Audio formats supported
The audio formats which this device or software can read/use e.g. MP3, MP4.
Compatible memory cards
Types of memory cards which can be used with this product.
Memory slots
Number and type of memory expansion slots, including connector and memory module descriptions.
The description of display that can includes display type, resolution, size etc.
A screen of a laptop, smartphone, etc., that responds to touch so you can control the interface using your fingers.
Display diagonal (metric)
This is the size of the display screen, measured diagonally.
7.5 cm
Display resolution
1620000 dot
Display aspect ratio
Vari-angle LCD display
Viewfinder type
A viewfinder is the window in the camera through which a photographer views the picture. Used for choosing, composing, and often focusing the image. There are two types: optical and digital. In an optical viewfinder, the photographer looks through a transparent window to frame and focus the image. The photographer is seeing the real image, through the window of the viewfinder. With a digital viewfinde, there is an LCD display built into a camera that gives a digital view of where the camera is pointing. It's used to compose and focus the image.
The degree to which something is or can be magnified (made to appear larger than it is).
Viewfinder screen size
Viewfinder frame rate (power saving mode)
60 fps
Viewfinder frame rate (smooth mode)
120 fps
Viewfinder resolution (approx.)
2360000 pixels
Ports & interfaces
USB version
Universal Serial Bus (USB) is an industry standard developed in the mid-1990s that defines the interface used for connection, communication and power supply between computers and electronic devices. Every new version - for example 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 - is much faster than the previous one.
3.2 Gen 2 (3.1 Gen 2)
USB connector
What type of USB connector is built into the device.
USB Type-C
HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is a compact audio/video interface for transferring uncompressed video data and compressed/uncompressed digital audio data from a HDMI-compliant device ("the source device") to a compatible computer monitor, video projector, digital television, or digital audio device. HDMI is a digital replacement for existing analog video standards.
HDMI connector type
Microphone in
The socket where a microphone is connected to the device.
Headphone outputs
Number of sockets /ports where headphones are connected.
Headphone connectivity
How headphones connect to a device e.g. wirelessly or via a cable and connector.
3.5 mm
Bluetooth is a low-power radio technology developed to replace the cables and wires currently used to link or connect electronic devices such as personal computers, printers, and a wide variety of handheld devices including mobile phones. Because it uses radio-wave connectivity, a Bluetooth-enabled device has a constant, established connection to whatever browser it uses. This saves the user the trouble of logging on to check for emails or news updates, for example.
Bluetooth version
The type of bluetooth technology in the product e.g. Bluetooth Smart (v4.0).
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
Popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data or connect to the internet wirelessly using radio waves.
Wi-Fi standards
The type of wireless local area network (LAN). It can be ad-hoc, where units in a network communicate peer-to-peer, or Infrastructure, where units communicate with each other via an access point A LAN interconnects computers in a small area e.g. home, school or office.
802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
White balance
Technique in photography and image processing, which involves a global adjustment of the intensities of the colors (typically red, green, and blue primary colors). An important goal of this adjustment is to render specific colors – particularly neutral colors including white – correctly.
Auto, Cloudy, Custom modes, Daylight, Flash, Fluorescent, Manual, Shade, Tungsten
Scene modes
Scenery mode', 'Portrait mode' and other modes which are manually/automatically activated on a camera and change the settings (e.g. exposure time) accordingly.
Children, Close-up (macro), Food, Landscape, Panorama, Portrait, Self-portrait, Sports
Self-timer delay
Duration of self-timer, that's a camera device that gives a delay between pressing the shutter release and the shutter's firing. It is most commonly used to let photographers to take a photo of themselves (often with the family), hence the name.
2,10 s
Dioptre correction
Live view
Direct printing
With direct printing it is possible to print your photographs or other documents directly to a printer from a compatible device, without the use of a computer.
GPS (satellite)
Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. The system provides critical capabilities to military, civil and commercial users around the world. It is maintained by the United States government and is freely accessible to anyone with a GPS receiver.
Orientation sensor
The device e.g. smartphone, tablet uses gravity to sense whether it should be displaying in portrait or landscape mode.
Anti-dust function
Smartphone remote support
The product can be used to remotely manage a smartphone.
View on smartphone
Tripod mounting supported
Image processor
Product colour
The colour e.g. red, blue, green, black, white.
Splash proof
Battery technology
The type of battery in the device, e.g. nickel–cadmium (NiCd).
Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion)
Battery type
Description of battery supplied with the product, such battery form factor (e.g. AA/AAA).
Number of batteries supported
The number of batteries that can be used with the product.
Battery level indicator
Operational conditions
Operating temperature (T-T)
The minimum and maximum temperatures at which the product can be safely operated.
0 - 40 °C
Weight & dimensions
The measurement or extent of something from side to side.
132.5 mm
The distance from the front to the back of something.
70 mm
The measurement of the product from head to foot or from base to top.
86.1 mm
Weight of the product without packaging (net weight). If possible, the net weight is given including standard accessories and supplies. Please note that sometimes the manufacturer leaves out the weight of accessories and/or supplies.
414 g
Weight (including battery)
The total weight of the device with its battery, given in kilogram (kg).
461 g
Packaging data
Quantity per pack
1 pc(s)
Package width
The distance from one side of the packaging to the other.
192 mm
Package depth
The distance from the front to the back of the packaging.
282 mm
Package height
The distance from the top to the bottom of the packaging.
153 mm
Package weight
Weight of the packaged product.
1.16 kg
Packaging content
Neck strap
Battery charger included
Batteries included
Logistics data
Products per pallet
Quantity of a single product per pallet. If more than one product is packed per carton; this is the number of products (not number of cartons) per shipping pallet.
72 pc(s)

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