Sony DWX Series Rackmount Receiver, 2-channel, wideband 244MHz, Dante AoIP, 470.025 MHz to 714.000 M
Sony DWX Series Rackmount Receiver, 2-channel, wideband 244MHz, Dante AoIP, 470.025 MHz to 714.000 MSony DWX Series Rackmount Receiver, 2-channel, wideband 244MHz, Dante AoIP, 470.025 MHz to 714.000 M

Sony DWX Series Rackmount Receiver, 2-channel, wideband 244MHz, Dante AoIP, 470.025 MHz to 714.000 M

4'072.90 CHFinvece di4'287.28 CHF
4'402.80 CHFincluso.8.1% IVA
Articolo n.
Articolo n.
12 Monate
non disponibile (Lieferbar in 5-10 Tagen)
Sony DWR-R03D DWX Receiver Gen3, 2-channel, 20Hz-22kKz freq. response, wide 244MHz bandwidth, AES 25

Raccomandiamo adeguatamente o come alternativa

Sony UWP-D Series Kit, including URX-P40 receiver, UTX-B40 body pack transmitter & UTX-P40 plug-on t
Shure SLXD24DE/SM58-J53 SLXD duales Handsendersystem, 562-606MHz
non disponibile (Lieferbar in 5-10 Tagen)

Shure SLXD24DE/SM58-J53 SLXD duales Handsendersystem, 562-606MHz


1'310.00 CHF
Shure QLXD1=-H51 QLX-D Taschensender, 534-598 MHz
non disponibile (Lieferbar in 5-10 Tagen)

Shure QLXD1=-H51 QLX-D Taschensender, 534-598 MHz


454.00 CHF
Hollyland Lark 150 Duo - White case
non disponibile (Verfügbarkeit unbekannt)

Hollyland Lark 150 Duo - White case


321.90 CHF