Arri AMIRA Camera Set Premium
Arri AMIRA Camera Set Premium

Arri AMIRA Camera Set Premium

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A 35 format digital camera system with an electronic viewfinder and a 16:9 active sensor area. Records onto Cfast 2.0 cards. Video output via SDI. Exposure through electronic rolling shutter: 5.0° - 356.0°. 10.0001095 - Premium license key provides 1080i & 1080p; 2K (2048 x 1152); UHD (3840 x 2160); Framerates 0.75-200 fps; Recording Formats ProRes 422 (LT), 422, 422 (HQ), 4444 & 4444 XQ in Rec709 & Log C; Unlimited Looks functions; Import Looks, Import custom 3D LUTs; in camera image parameters for Knee, Gamma, Saturation & other; ASC CDL in-camera grading; focus and exposure control tools; Dynamic Auto Tracking Whitebalance; Camera Remote Control; Bluetooth Audio monitoring; Pre-record function; Intervalometer; Multicam support; S16 lens mode. Features additional to AMIRA with Advanced license: 2K (2048 x 1152), UHD (3840 x 2160); ProRes 4444 & 4444 XQ, Look Library. includes new: K1.71700.0 1x AMIRA Camera Body, Handle, MVF Mount and Cable K2.75004.0 1x AMIRA Viewfinder MVF-1 10.0003723 1x AMIRA 4K UHD License Key 10.0014641 1x AMIRA ARRI Look Library License Key Note: CFast 2.0 cards, lens mount, battery adapter and camera base mount are not included and need to be ordered seperately or as part of an accessories bundle and/or lens mount bundle.
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